HYPERroots FT – Freeze Thaw

HYPERroots™ FT is a freeze-dried and partially re-hydrated gel plug that is completely food-safe and bio degradable. Formulated as a low density, porous plug, it provides a unique balance between absorption and release, ensuring plants receive water and nutrients at the optimal rate for their needs.

For usage instructions and best practices please download our HYPERroots FT Quick-start Guide and watch the how-to video above.

HYPERroots L – Liquid Plant Stimulator

HYPERroots™ L is a concentrated liquid plant stimulant that promises not just enhanced growth, but a more resilient, robust, and bountiful yield across various agricultural landscapes.

For usage instructions and best practices please download our HYPERroots L Quick-start Guide and watch the how-to video above.