
HYPERroots™ offers a groundbreaking solution for modern agricultural practices. Composed of hydro-gel plugs or mats derived from plant-based sugars, HYPERroots™ not only serves as an efficient medium for delivering essential water and nutrients to plants but also actively stimulates their growth for an extended period of up to two months.

HYPERroots™ FT

HYPERroots™ FT is a freeze dried version of our wet-gel plugs and mats that has been re-thawed. This reduces weight, greatly improving shipping rates, and also increases shelf-stability while retaining 40% moisture content.

HYPERroots™ L

HYPERroots Liquid™ concentrate is a potent ally for growers across a spectrum of agricultural setups, from indoor farms to expansive fields and intricate greenhouses. Designed specifically as a concentrated plant growth stimulant, it addresses the unique challenges each environment presents, ensuring plants thrive regardless of their locale.

HYPERroots™ Microgreen Grow Kits

HYPERroots™ C is the colorless variation of HYPERroots™. The clear appearance allows your customers to see the root structure of the plants as they grow. Composed of hydrogel plugs or mats derived from plant-based sugars, HYPERroots™ not only serves as an efficient medium for delivering essential water and nutrients to plants but also actively stimulates their growth for an extended period of up to two months.